
quarta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2010

I miss you

I can feel it around me
it's the ocean calling my name
in every wave of my heart beat
what I hear is always the same

Each life that makes noise
every sound that I've ever heard
nothing like a voice
something I've never discovered

Sometimes are like a drum
and others a sweet flute
or even a guitar strum
but all of them so cute

In the end I'm still hearing
but I know there's no scape
it's just my heart begging
to see your pretty face

Por Yago L. Marcelino

sexta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2010

Tell me the truth

There's a doubt in my mind
something I care so much
It looks as you're blind
and don't even feel my touch

I talk to you everyday
by the internet you fill my heart
but then when you go away
it looks as it is so hard

So hard to get your attention
to have your sincerely word
as you'd never accept my redemption
as I'd never be a part of your world

I know it's not my time to go
but if you want I'd do it for you
I just need your own blow
and then I'd know the truth

Por Yago L. Marcelino


Mesmo sentindo que você me quer
ainda resta um ponto de interrogação
talvez porque eu precise te ter
me prender no teu coração

Parece que contigo tudo está completo
mas você não está ao meu lado
e eu te olho com o olhar repleto
de imagens do nosso passado

Suas fotos que enchem meus olhos
pensamentos explodem em minha mente
você revive a cada instante nos meus sonhos
mas vem e se vai assim de repente

O meu passado é o mesmo que o teu
o meu presente é ainda te desejar
e talvez por tudo o que a gente já viveu
o meu futuro vai ser muito mais te amar

Por Yago L. Marcelino

terça-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2010

Your heart beat

Somewhere up to the sky
in my dreams I'll look for you
you know in my heart you're alive
when you look up to the clouds so blue

It's written in my eyes
it's heard in my voice
when I think about life
every time I make a choice

While you are with another guys
I'm here waiting for you
expecting you notice my heart
looking for the truth

Someday you'll notice me
and then I'll have all I need
and everything I want to be
is the frequency of your heart beat

Por Yago L. Marcelino